FTSE 100 Index Wikipedia

The index is designed to represent a diverse cross-section of the UK’s largest publicly listed companies, covering various sectors of the economy. Being included in the FTSE 100 is a prestigious achievement, indicating a company’s size, significance, and market influence. The FTSE 100 index is a capitalization-weighted index, which means that companies with larger market […]

How to Identify and Trade The Bull Flag Pattern

Lastly, the trend resumes as volume/demand returns and price breaks to a new 30-minute candle high. The price chart below for America Service Group Inc. is an example of a rectangular binance canada review bull flag. Also, notice the long lower tails on the candles showing clear buying every time it dips under $10. Volume […]

What is a Handle in Trading? IG International

A handle is the whole number part of a price quote, that is, the portion of the quote to the left of the decimal point. For example, if the price quote for the stock is $56.25, the handle is $56, eliminating the value of cents in the quote. Handles are often used in futures and […]