Since the organic model concentrates on continuous improvement, the process is never really over. If it’s your first strategic planning session, the basic model is the way to go. Later on, you can embellish it with other models to adjust or rewrite your business strategy as needed. Let’s take a look at what kinds of businesses can benefit from this strategic planning model and how to apply it. Now that you know the difference between the two, learn more about the seven strategic planning models, as well as the eight most commonly used frameworks that go along with them. When your organization undergoes a strategic planning phase, you should first pick a model or two that you want to apply.
He adds that it is an easy model because it does not involve much jargon and focuses on the future. The organic model relies on everyone having a shared vision and being willing to openly discuss how to get there using common values. This less systematic model requires patience since it involves constant dialogue and is never really finished. After looking at the three potential impacts, figure out how to best respond to each.
This amalgamation not only enriches the model with the invaluable expertise of professionals but also objectifies the complexity and scientific rigor of the process. Such a synergistic integration accentuates the unique advantages of our model. This study utilizes a multi-dimensional, multi-faceted comprehensive indicator system for evaluation. Although Africa has abundant petroleum reserves, progress in the petroleum and natural gas sectors has been slow. This is due to historical factors, technological limitations and complex political situations.
Many companies perform a SWOT analysis at the beginning of the strategic planning process, as it offers them a look at what they are doing well and where they can improve. The basic model of strategic planning is the most common and simplistic approach. The basic model works well for companies that are small, do not have much time to plan, don’t need to address many serious issues, or operate in stable external environments. You must take the time and care in making strategic decisions since they allocate the precious resources of time, money, and people to create value. In making strategic decisions, it is essential to understand the value at stake of going down one path versus another, along with the costs, synergies, and risks.
Evaluation results
We conducted in-depth interactive survey questionnaires and focused discussions. Based on the compilation and summary of the data and materials, we first carried out a detailed interpretation of the petroleum basin clusters. Then, upon completing the geological analysis, we employed a standardized scoring system to quantitatively evaluate each basin in terms of stratigraphy, sedimentology and structural geology. This evaluation system was collaboratively developed and aims to provide an objective and comparable method for assessing the geological conditions of each basin. Finally, we collected and organized a large volume of raw data, including information on petroleum reserves, historical records of exploration activities and technological requirements from sources above. This data was carefully sorted and organised for use in the following statistical and computational models, for providing a more precise quantitative assessment of petroleum reserves and development potential.
This includes deciding on objectives, resources, and capabilities to be developed and the key actions needed to achieve these objectives in the context of all the relevant internal and external circumstances. Top-level executives usually make these decisions and involve a substantial commitment of organizational resources, and might have long-term impacts. Leading the strategic decision-making process is a crucial issue in organizations. The success of the process is closely related to the experiences and special skills of the managers as well as to the culture and the structure of the organizations and environmental factors.
Strategic Planning Frameworks
Improving your ability to see the big picture and not leave out any significant costs and benefits will serve you well in your career. The balanced scorecard—developed in 1992 by HBS Professor Robert Kaplan and David Norton—is a tool that tracks and measures non-financial variables. For instance, if you’re looking to increase the span of influence, the JDOT suggests implementing cross-unit decision making framework task forces and providing stretch goals. A strong understanding and alignment on the customer need your product fills can be a foundation for following through on strategic plans. As a manager, business owner, or employee, you’re always seeking ways to contribute to your organization’s growth. One way to do so is by helping formulate or execute an effective business strategy.
The key is to look at the amount of pressure each force applies to a company in order to determine that company’s future. Like the name implies, the inspirational model can be energizing to participants, but also have less of a strategic impact on an organization than other, more formal models. The scenario model works well for businesses that need help planning for several potential situations. Low-end disruption occurs when an organization uses a low-cost business model to enter at the bottom of a market and claim an existing segment.